Durian Export

Durian Export

For a long time, durian with yellow rice in the Central Highlands region has become a popular and popular brand of durian, because its characteristics range from 1.5 to 3.5 kg with a thin shell. , melancholy rice has a beautiful yellow color, flat seeds and especially, very delicious and rich in flavor.

As a tropical fruit, the popular durian is not only food but also has a very good effect in preventing disease and enhancing human health.

Durian is very nutritious because it is rich in vitamins B, C and E and high in iron. People and animals eating this fruit will have good effects for health. Durian roots and leaves are used by humans to treat fever and jaundice.

The decoction of durian leaves and fruit is effective in reducing swelling, pain and other skin diseases. Regularly eating durian has the effect of lowering cholesterol. In addition, durian is also considered as a blood cleansing agent.

Due to the high amino acid tryptophan, durian works to help reduce depression, insomnia, create a sense of relaxation for people by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain, repelling anxiety and boredom. discouraged.

Durian fruit works to help strengthen and restore health for the sick, beneficial for muscles, maintain the strength of bones, help maintain and regulate the activity of the thyroid gland, protect the health for teeth and gums.

In terms of nutrition, according to the International Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in 100g of durian edible, it contains the following substances: water 66.8g, protein 2.5g, glucid 28.3g, lipid 1.6g 0.8g ash, trace minerals: Ca 20mg, P 63mg, Fe 0.9mg, K 601mg, 1mg sodium salt; vitamins: thiamin (B1) 0.027mg, riboflavin (B2) 0.29mg, niacin (B3) 1.2mg, ascorbic acid (C) 37mg, A 10 IU, providing 124 calories.

Thereby we see that the protein, glucid, lipid, mineral content and energy value of durian are much higher than other fruits.

Durian fruit has been recorded to help strengthen and restore health for the sick, benefit muscles, maintain bone strength, help maintain and regulate the activity of the thyroid gland, protect teeth and gums health; Provide a source of raw fat beneficial for the body, help prevent and alleviate constipation, help with digestion and relieve migraine.

Due to the high level of amino acid tryptophan, durian seeds help reduce depression, insomnia, create a sense of relaxation for people by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, repelling anxiety. , boring. Durian also helps to clean the blood and is a powerful aphrodisiac.

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