

Product overview
Origin: Ben Tre
Variety: local sapodilla variety, small fruit, rough bark, tree is 7 years old.
Product description: 9-12 fruit / kg. Dark brown flesh, sweet taste, slightly salty, soft.
Differences / advantages of the product compared to similar products on the market: no use of farming chemicals, less spoilage - even with aphids, but when ripe, it does not affect the quality of the inside.
Planting and post-harvest process
Time to bear fruit: 2 years. The sapwood tree is now 7 years old.
Do not use chemical fertilizers. The garden is filled with alluvium annually.
Do not use pesticides.
Do not use growth stimulants (flowering, setting fruit).
Do not use herbicides.
Do not use post-harvest preservatives.
Storage instructions
Recommended for use within 3-5 days of receipt.
How to preserve: in a dry place or keep in a paper bag when you want to ripen faster.

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